
Since 1998, CIS has conducted Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty research for global manufacturing firms.  We call it the Voice of the Customer.  Our President, Craig Cunningham, has conducted over 1,000 in-person interviews with key executives, engineers, and managers in over 20 countries worldwide.

Fundamental to any customer-centric company is the ability of listening well to customers, then integrating this knowledge with management’s decisions and strategies.

Companies often fall short in how executives engage with customers. Too often, executives default to an annual process of survey customers, boil down the research into three bullets, then repeat the process the next year.

To drive customer and shareholder value simultaneously, executives must have a management process focused on customers, as well as a comprehensive Voice of the Customer approach.

Our President, Craig Cunningham, was Director of Customer Excellence at AlliedSignal. Under CEO Larry Bossidy’s direction, Craig architected and implemented a corporate-wide initiative to transform AlliedSignal’s culture, broadened beyond Bossidy’s effective strategy of driving execution to one also centered on customers. This management process and change initiative included the creation of ongoing customer loyalty measurement in diverse businesses of Aerospace, Automotive, and Engineered Material business units, implementation of a Voice of the Customer methodology, regular management reviews with Larry Bossidy and his leadership team. Highlights of this effort included the development and production of Customer Excellence College, an 80-hour executive learning seminar focused on customer loyalty and strategic marketing principles.

We provide an assessment to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your current processes, data, and metrics that are key to driving customer value and satisfaction. Expected outcomes for this project include a baseline process measure, strengths, and opportunities for improvement.

Contact to discuss your company’s situation. 

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